Monday, November 16

The way my relationship with renderers stands at the moment is like this: You input data by way of a model and make various codifications based on materials and form. Then you press a button and the renderer (renditioner?) puts out an image that is loosely based on your ideas and mostly based on looking cool. I know there's a stronger connection between the data you input and the results that come out, but so far each time I press that button, what I get is as suprising and magical as the first.

Friday, November 6

I'm scanning sketches and diagrams this weekend. My studio has started to slow down as other classes are getting more intense (and the other studios start monopolizing the lab computers for their mid-crits). I'm finally getting better at documenting my work as I go along, but it's a little too late for the work from previous semesters that have been destroyed without proper photography or scanning. Oh, regrets! I guess all I can do is try and rebuild (or is it restore? definitely not renovate..) them by December.

Sunday, November 1

Originally uploaded by ben.busch