It's an activity that really makes me feel great. Hair grows out of your head. Isn't that weird? Why should we feel weird about cutting it ourselves? There's no sense in being scared of messing up, as long as you have roommates to tell you what parts in the back are longer. Just keep cutting until it's right, because it will just keep growing, even after you're dead. Let's all listen to Regina Spektor more and, damnit, let's start being courageous!
I'm making a decent effort of it myself. My lips are still purple from last night's wine, and I remember closing my eyes and moving around and opening them to find everyone displaced, wish-wandering around the living room and myself just locked within my bopping head. Short hair is much more satisfying to swish from side to side, and anything that makes me feel more like a Peanuts character on the dance floor is what's absolutely best for me.
sometimes i do think about the fact that hair is dead yet it grows? and that old myth(?) about it still growing when you're dead? weird. i like your hair long and short.
yes! people should stop worrying about messing up their hair when they cut it. your hair looks lovely by the way. i think i'm going to go chop some hair off now.
no problem! it was a lot of fun. i think we need to dance to the clash more. i agree about the hair-cutting deal. it's a fantastic feeling of accomplishment having a nice coif you've perfected yourself.
i randomly found this page looking for a few hair style pages for my friend, and i just had to stop any say anyone who wants to feel like a peanuts character on the dance floor, is just unbelievably awesome! And i love the short hair on you!
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