Thursday, November 13

so right now

The sun is setting and all the dog-walkers and attractive people on their bikes are rushing home. I have class in half on hour (/all time time, anymore) and I'm using up the last excuse I had to stay home (laundry) so I could be apart of this afternoon (beautiful).

There's no better way to acquaint yourself with a kitchen table than filling out paperwork and sketching floor plans. The light filters out early in the 3' gap between our house and neighbors'.

It may be overdone, but I really enjoy living in this house (#8)


Lexie said...

i'm so happy you have a blogspot!

Amalia said...


kreaves said...

Oh hey there.
Blogs are cool.

Amalia said...

as long as it's not the kind of boring that you don't like then everything is a-okay.