Wednesday, November 26

these are my eyes

I have coloration around my cornea because I'm nearsighted. It's like a birthmark, apparently.
Time to draw some blood.


,say, "Kenny" said...

"Heartshell" can be attributed to "them?"

Blood purifies the altars in the sanctuary for the sin-offering according to the law.

Sorry for such many ways of recklessness in posts - grammatical and otherwise. They're forming in such many ways.

Internet's reckless anyways. But they'll be cleaner. We'll all be cleaner and more pure.

Lexie said...


i have a birthmark on the top of my head. i only know because whenever anyone plays with my hair they tell me about it.

Amalia said...

that's really awesome. i have a weird freckle in one of my eyes. people will sometimes notice it, but i usually forget about it.

Amalia said...

i was highly considering moving back here and bumming around for a semester/year but i'm really not sure. i'm trying to figure that all out by the end of winter break.

s.murph said...

how can they see out of your eyes?