Saturday, March 21


right after the fall
(I don't remember Luke taking this picture, but we'll put that on temporary memory loss?)
you can see the cuts near my eye but the bruise on my chin hadn't shown up yet

I thank my chin, for being aweesome

check out that lump!

My jaw still hurts pretty bad.
I'm psyched about the gigantic bruise on my chin, though!
I just hope everything heals alright. I can't imagine why I wouldn't be back to normal soon, except for maybe my jaw which I already have problems with. That would blow.


benjaminbusch said...

I wrecked my bike last year on the pothole infested streets of Lawrence. Some bloody eyebrow trauma and broken glasses; only the latter required surgery. I hope your jaw is OK!

Ty said...

My roomate Lucas, friend Maggie, and friend Braydee have all recently crashed their bikes and suffered massive face wounds. Welcome to the club.

Amalia said...

you look like a total badass

Anonymous said...

leandra !

Lexie said...


i hope you say

" you should see the other girl " a whole lot over the next few weeks.