Flight delay! I'd be pissed but moodie's flight was sitting on the runway waiting for a crew for an hour and a half, where as I get to spend a few hours with my mom, finally free of whining toddlers and other Christmas joys. I love spending time with my mom! She's so level headed and COOL when she's not being attacked by family or work.
Another thing I've gained an appreciation for in the last few hours is my blackberry. Was that sentence badly structured? I don't care because I made it on my phone. I also get unlimited incoming texts in Asia as well as full use of google maps and unlimited email (except I may not find a carrier in south Korea-unless anyone knows if KYSWCMA works on something other than a g3 phone. What's that called again? I should make max read this.)
But that's all "shop talk" according to my mother, so I'll cut it out. SHIT! I just remembered that there won't be quarters in the windows of new house. Sarah- if you read this and decide to blindly take up Filipino superstition, could you put two quarters in the sill of each window of the house? Doors don't count, but taping a dollar to the front door helps, and you can set them on the floor below the ones with plastic insulation blocking the sills. It's nice to place one in each corner of the sill. You just have to put them up for the turning of the new year and you can get them back on new year's day if you want! (though I always thought that picking up the spare quarters when you needed them was a part of the "year of fortune" thing).
There are dogs sort of wandering around the airport, Jennifer aniston is naked on the cover of gq, and I'm going to south Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia. Ri I I I ght NOW!
Those weren't good ones.
I'd be happy to oblige.
anything to bring that house more magic.
I was hoping to ring in the new year there anyway.
sorry to hear so many troubles.
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