some flight attendant fell deathly ill and was carted away to the emergency room.
my flight was cancelled and i'm stuck here until monday, ripping two days of seoul off the itinerary.
i feel like staying at the airport until monday morning and just seething until that flight leaves. SHIT. this is totally life punishing me for making a big deal out of leaving. well, i've learned my lesson. KEEP IT CASUAL, NO BIG GOODBYES AND YOU WILL LEAVE GRACEFULLY. it's all kind of embarassing and very much dissapointing.
i should rename this blog "shit that sucks about travelling/ everything that can go wrong with life in general" or "the whaaaaaambulance"
fate is cruel, but i've always thought the word whambulance is funny.
have a graceful departure.
i'm quite partial to whaaaambulance myself. flights suck but you'll be in korea soon enough!
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